Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sam Bassett Says First She Was 19, Then Later She Was 13

Here we present the typed copy of Samuel Bassett's statement. Sam's hand-written letter can be viewed as a .PDF file by clicking here. This file has been posted here on July 06, 2011 but was written at an earlier date. (Our photocopy of this original letter unfortunately had some of the words in the right-hand margin chopped out. We have added our own interpolations of those missing words within [brackets] in our post below.) Mr. Sam Bassett wants you to know that he told the detective that there was no way he would send her those kinds of pictures and there was no way that he wanted to meet her in person.

Dear Mr. Orr:

My name is Sam Bassett and I am currently sitting in custody at the Yavapai County Jail due in part from the [sting] done by Detective Pam Edgerton for "luring a minor for sex" as well as 7 other men or more on the same sting by Dt. Edgerton. I moved back to Arizona about a year ago to better my life and [to look] for a very good job offer, also to help my parents out and spend some time with them as they are both up there in age. My mother is already in the first stages of dementia so I [wanted to] be there for my parents.

Well, in February while I was on Facebook, I got a friend request from "Brean Fox" which I saw had the same interests in Rodeo and [Horses?]. I believe her age was 18 or 19 at the time, so I added her [into my Facebook friend list]. Then she asked me to add [her] on Yahoo where she asked me if I liked younger women. And I am 35 and I told her I didn't mind younger women; that I've dated 21 years old [women]. She then started asking me for pics and movies of me or of younger women and she begged [me] to send her pics of younger women in sex acts.

I told her I wasn't comfortable sending her those kinds of pics, not knowing that it wasn't till after I sent her a pic of myself she told me that she was 13 yrs. It then occurred to me she was joking or [in Law] Enforcement, which I asked her several times if she was. Still concerned, I didn't send any more pics to her or talk to her for awhile, yet she would beg to send more. She then asked me to meet her at "Jack-In-The-Box" so we could do things in a sexual nature, where I told her no way would I meet her.

It wasn't worth my time and if she was 13 yrs. old I didn't want to go to jail. So I wouldn't meet her. She continued to beg for pics and movies and would get mad if I refused to send them. After about [a month] of chatting with her, I got fed up with her always asking to meet her or to send her [some pics]. So I deleted her and blocked her from my Facebook and Yahoo.

The next day, Detective Pam Edgerton and several other detectives showed up at my house and told me I was under arrest for luring a minor for sex. I'm now on a one-million dollar bond and have 32 counts of the same thing over and over again for chatting with a detective which I believed to be an 18 year old girl.

I ask where is the justice in this case along with along with any of these cases to take men and ruin their lives as Detective Edgerton has [done]? I would never send pics to a 13 year old girl or meet to have sex with them. I believe Detective Edgerton is very wrong, along with the Yavapai County Sheriff's department, in entrapping men to make them think they are talking with an 18 year old then changing their age to 13 to trap men ... innocent men, at that! The ones in the wrong are the detective and YCSO in a sting that has ruined my life and 7 others as well!

I am willing to meet with you to talk more as long as it doesn't interfere with the visits with my parents on Wednesday. Thank you for your time and concern in this case.

Sam Bassett

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